I looooove this game! It is super fun and addicting! I have a few requests though. 1. I would like Tom to be less expensive- maybe he could cost coins instead of diamonds, because you only get diamonds when (1.) you accomplish achievements, (2.) you unlock a mystery chest, (but even THEY almost never have diamonds in them) or you spin the "wheel of fortune" thing (which is also like a 50-50 percent chance of getting a diamond/ diamonds.) If you dont have diamonds and you need them though, you have to pay. I think that for every boat order or "board" order you accomplish, you should get diamonds depending on how challenging the order was to complete. (One diamond for an easy task, two for a little bit harder task, and so on. Also, I think you should get 5 diamonds every 10 levels or something. My second request, something I think a lot of Hay Day players will agree with, is the time. I mean, I dont mind waiting for 30 minutes at the most, but some machines and crops take a day or two until they are done! I dont know why the Hay Day team set it up like this (probably so people spend diamonds to speed up the process) but can you please make things take a little less time? Ok, my last request is: can the creators of Hay Day make a bigger newspaper so there would be a better chance of people finding and buying what they need? These are my only criticisms- everything else about this game is PERFECT!!! I love how the animals cannot die, how you unlock different things at each level, how you can sell things for coins, how you can harvest and plant different things, how you can cut down trees so you have more room to expand your farm, how you can upgrade your barn and silo, and how you can join a neighborhood, chat, and complete derbys!!!!!! I cannot tell you how much time of my life I have spent playing this awesome game!!! Oh, and one more thing, I love the animations of the animals when they are hungry, and the machines animation when something is in it! Thank you so much for creating this game because me, my family, and a bunch of other people too enjoy this game. Once you get started playing, you cant stop!
??? about Hay Day, v1.35.114